The towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro make up more than half the population of Orange County, with approximately 80,000 people between them, according to the NC Department of Commerce 2020 estimation. With a mix of permanent residents and university students, this area boasts a deep-rooted cultural community, established school systems, and engaged residents who value environmental protection and outdoor recreation.

Nestled between these two towns and among schools and residential neighborhoods is a 429-acre forested greenspace that locals call Bolin Creek Forest. If you spend any time in Bolin Creek Forest, you will admire the beautiful mature hardwood trees on the banks of Bolin Creek. You will pass through a diverse, naturally evolving forest that includes centuries-old trees alongside new growth. If you stay long enough, you may even spot a box turtle crossing the trail, a great blue heron wading in the creek, or hear a pileated woodpecker tapping in the tall trees, foraging for its meal.

This large urban forest provides ecological, recreational, educational, and economic benefits to our community. Bolin Creek Forest is unusual for its proximity to growing urban development in Chapel Hill and Carrboro. As urbanization intensifies, the forests and creeks of the Bolin Creek Natural Area are becoming increasingly valuable to the environmental and recreational health of these communities.